The Many Colors of Amber
The color range is relatively rich in natural amber experts there are about 200 - 400 shades, gem contains almost all the colors. Absolute lead, and the spectrum of colors - yellow and orange. Thanks to this scheme, the notion of "amber color" ("amber-colored hair, “…honey", “…fruits”). Thanks to the warm tones of amber and its ability to radiate warm light, the gem is popularly known as the stone of the sun. If you want to immediately view selections made of amber in different colors and in different variations, you can order them both for yourself and as a gift to loved ones on the website.
Amber classification
Systematized noble stones in different ways. In one of the new classifications is based on the transparency of the stone, which depends on the presence of bubbles in amber. On this basis distinguish amber transparent, translucent (cloudy), bastard of (opaque, but even the light shining in thin sections), and foamy (opaque). Often you can find samples, that combine all these varieties.
the Ukrainian natural amber in the second half of the XIX century was divided into six types:
succinite —98% of the whole Ukrainian amber; is the main extracted raw material;
- hedanyt (rotten amber) is just over 2% of the total extraction of stone; color varies from yellow to dirty-yellow; rare;
- hedanyt stantynyt — rare amber brown-black color;
- hedanyt bekkeryt — a rare amber brown viscous;
- krantsyt (immature amber) very rare, greenish shades, soft, elastic;
- hlessyt is a very rare amber red-brown tones.
Amber is divided into 9 varieties depending on the color, transparency and flexibility in the stone processing:
- batter - transparent gem with a distinctive amber tint from almost colourless to dark brown; highly valued because of its transparency and beautiful colour and is easily polished;
- translucent - color varies from yellow to dark yellow, rarely red once-bluish; with transparent background there; it is easily polished;
- bastard of - is characterized by non-uniform yellow, with dark spots and medium transparency; it is easily polished;
- bone opaque white, shades little, like ivory; polished;
- red - opaque; not polished; laminated white; not polished;
- foamy - in appearance is not like amber; structure resembles the cured foam; opaque, white; the porous, respectively, the easiest sort of gem; not polished;
- dirty - from grey to black; opaque; not polished;
- Stripping - red, with a thick crust of oxidation; shines; polished bad.
the Wizard tried to improve gems. Transform colors, make absolutely transparent, and obtain the desired effect... The ennobled mineral was more valuable and used solely to the most exquisite jewelry or other amber products.
Is amber milky white, but it only seems so. In fact, it also yellow stone, simply abundantly filled with tiny bubbles of moisture and air, hand "забеливающими» yellowing. Since ancient times, it is such a bright gem endowed with a strong life-giving power.
amber "the blood of the dragon" - red or cherry - was especially esteemed in China and Japan. The wearing of amber jewelry was awarded only to members of the ruling dynasty. The revival of such rare painting stones are obliged to forest fires. Due to the strong warming of the soil застившие drops of amber changed their color.
There are also rare, blue or cornflower blue instances. For many years it was believed that this amazing color is due to the small inclusions of mineral Clusters is blue, but studies have shown that a special color is caused by the same microscopic cavities, which, dissipating color, create the appropriate optical effect.
Color gemstones depend on the composition of the resin, the conditions of its fossilization, and the presence of mechanical inclusions and impurities. Influences on the shade of the same number of succinic acid in the stone. The bigger it is, the amber darker.
Great popularity among collectors is ambers were violet, yellow, green, blue, and black. The most valuable are blue and green.
Not only do the size, shape, and color define the value of amber but there are factors such as transparency, purity, and transparency, which also play a big role. According to the degree of transparency of the hardened resin passes from completely transparent, like ice, until opaque. Semi-transparent sample bubbles cover 30% of the volume of the stone, and in the non-transparent up to 50%.
Patterns framing and value
If you place a piece of hazy amber under the microscope, you will see there are many voids rounded and bubbles. The number of voids in 1 cubic millimeter of amber off-white coloring is about six hundred. The completely non-transparent, bone stone them much more than 900 thousand. By analyzing such gas bubbles, scientists can learn the composition of the ancient atmosphere of our Earth.
The amber ornaments allow our artists and jewelers beat donated to the nature of the subjects in different amber jewelry: coulombs, брошах, rings, bracelets, and other jewelry. All the beauty of such products collected in самоцвете, as well entourage of the noble metal emphasize the wonderful beauty and light stone.
Also, very valuable translucent ambers with blue and greenish tints. In different historical epochs, amber is valued differently. Used in ancient Rome, the area for white and waxy amber cost relatively expensive, but the transparent, reddish stone was precious. In the beginning of our era especially prized Golden-transparent stones, ennobled провариванием in honey
In our time it is considered amber high-quality of those gems that have lemon yellow and evenly Shine throughout the mass of the stone.
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